Pain & Stress Relief

painFor millions of people who live with pain/stress, acupuncture is no longer an exotic curiosity. It’s now widely accepted among the medical community. And it’s pretty popular with patients as well. Our Pain & Stress Relief Program is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and has instant and remarkable results in treating pain and stress/emotionally caused conditions.

Pain Management

Whatever the cause, if you are experiencing physical pain due to overuse, injury, strain, sprain, arthritis, remember that acupuncture is an excellent way to relieve pain and speed healing of the injury. Unlike taking the painkiller, the efficacy of acupuncture treatment is not only temporary pain relief but also improve blood circulation and achieving the overall balance of your physical condition.

At Acurepoint Health Clinic, we can reduce or eliminate many kinds of physical pain, not just musculoskeletal pain. Pain from headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, surgery, and menstrual pain are all commonly treated by us.

Pain Relief Program

Acupuncture will most often reduce pain in a single visit. However, in most cases, the pain level will gradually begin to creep back up within 1-4 days. With each successive treatment, the pain level should be reduced further and should creep back more slowly. A course of treatment is complete when the pain no longer returns, and the number of treatments required varies based on the individual’s overall state of health as well as the degree and duration of the symptom. For best and quickest results, frequent treatments are encouraged. A second treatment should take place before the pain has a chance to reach its original intensity.

Our Pain & Stress Relief Program includes:

  • Individualized Counseling
  • Customized Acupuncture Treatments
  • Remedial Massage/Ear Acupuncture/Cupping if needed

Stress Management

Acupuncture is one of the most effective stress relief treatments available today. It releases endorphins and serotonins within the brain and has a deeply relaxing effect on the body, many people fall asleep while the needles are in. Chinese herbal medicine is also effective to help manage stress and control the symptoms of stress within the body. Personalized herbal medicine can help with insomnia, digestive complaints, fatigue, headaches, menstruation, PMS symptoms, IBS, anxiety and muscle tension.

At Acurepoint Health Clinic, through the use of acupuncture and its powerful stress-relieving properties, we can help you to better manage your stress, with the added benefits of helping to improve your overall health and quality of life.

Stress Relief Program

We will find the cause of your stress in the initial consultation by checking your body with traditional diagnosis methods including tongue, pulse, signs, and symptoms. According to your causes, we will choose one or some therapies from acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, remedial massage or cupping to reduce your stress level. For most patients who choose Our Stress Relief Program, an initial series of 4-6 weekly acupuncture treatments is recommended.

Our Stress Relief Program includes:

  • Individualized Counseling
  • Customized Acupuncture Treatments
  • Personalized Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Remedial Massage/ Ear Acupuncture if needed

Fee Schedule

Initial Consultation and Treatment ————————————- $110

Standard Consultation and Treatment ——————————– $90

Extra services such as Remedial Massage, Ear Acupuncture and Cupping are charged separately. 


Discover more about employing the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for pain & stress relief in Perth by contacting our team today. Our clinic’s range of services and treatment options are designed to address pain and stress issues in a gentle and natural way. Make an appointment by calling (08) 6150 8156 and we will be happy to discuss your requirements and arrange a consultation.