Chinese herbs for bed-wetting
A bed-wetting problem frustrates parents and children alike. A good night’s sleep gets regularly interrupted by the need to change sheets and clothes. While doctors can offer prescription medicines that may offer relief of bed-wetting, there is a natural approach to help a child overcome bed-wetting. Nutritional supplements and herbs can help your child have a dry bed day after day.
Reasons for bed-wetting
For some, bedwetting may be an inevitable part of growing up, but it doesn’t have to be traumatic. Understanding bed-wetting’s causes is the first step to dealing with this common childhood problem.
A small bladder For young children, usually under age 5, the bladder’s size causes the child to wet the bed. Their bladder may not be developed enough to hold urine produced during the night.
A hormone imbalance In most people, the body produces ADH during the night to suppress kidney activity. However, some kids don’t produce enough anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) to slow nighttime urine production.
Urinary tract infection This infection can make it difficult for your child to control urination. Urinary tract infections can cause bed-wetting, especially if a child begins to wet the bed after age 5.
Stress Stressful events — such as becoming a big brother or sister, starting a new school, or sleeping away from home — may trigger bed-wetting.
Chinese Herbs for bed-wetting
According to Chinese medicine theory, bed-wetting may be due to deficient kidney. Because the kidneys are responsible for urination and the bladder’s retention, it follows that a child’s not yet fully developed kidneys may lead to urinary problems. If bed-wetting is due to weak kidneys, it will involve nighttime enuresis of 1, 2 or more times per night, clear urination, pale complexion, lower back or knee soreness or weakness, and possibly cold limbs and an aversion to cold. Bed-wetting may also be due to a weakness in the spleen and lung organ-meridians, in which case the symptoms will involve nighttime enuresis, shortness of breath, white face, weak appetite, loose stools, spontaneous perspiration, lack of strength, and a dispirited nature.
Treatment for bed-wetting is straightforward once the correct cause is determined. Chinese herbal medicine can help to strengthen the organs and correct imbalances for your child.